If a borrower cannot repay the guaranteed loan on time, the commercial bank which issues the loan has the right to ask the guarantor to repay the principal and interest of the loan or enjoy the priority of repayment by security in accordance with law. 借款人到期不归还担保贷款的,商业银行依法享有要求保证人归还贷款本金和利息或者就该担保物优先受偿的权利。
Repayments guaranteed to stay the same throughout the length of the loan. 偿还的贷款在还贷期间不变。
I suggest to you a new US Government guaranteed interest free loan program for the wealthy immigrants. 我给你一个建议,针对富裕移民,美国政府可以作出担保的一个新的无利息贷款方案。
The author makes careful research on the past& present guaranteed loan market in Shanghai, tries to identify the existing problems, and presents related suggestions for the future development. 文章通过对上海中小企业贷款担保市场发展现状、存在问题等方面的研究,探讨进一步促进当前上海中小企业贷款担保市场发展的对策。
It's quite practically significant for the notarization of the guaranteed loan for real estate to protect the legal rights and profits of concerned parties and transaction safety. 房地产按揭贷款公证对保护各方当事人的合法权益、交易安全具有重要意义。
Talking about the Notarization of the Guaranteed Loan for Real Estate 浅谈房地产按揭贷款公证
The economical concept of credit means the transaction behavior which be guaranteed by contract such as loan, and it also means debt paying ability. 在经济上,信用表示以协议或契约为保障的不同时间间隔下的经济交易行为,也表示交易主体以偿债为主要内容的特殊经济能力;
While, in practice, a few problems, which exist in the notarization of guaranteed loan for real estate, need to be solved by taking measures. 但在公证实践中,房地产按揭贷款公证存在一些问题,需要采取措施加以解决。
Housing mortgage loan is one form of guaranteed loans that the house purchaser gets loan from the bank for money replenishment, while also mortgage the purchased house to the bank for ensuring the repayments of capital and interests. 住房抵押贷款是消费者购买商品房时为了弥补资金的不足而向银行贷款,同时作为还本付息的担保,消费者必须将所购房屋抵押于银行的购房担保形式。